April 25, 2018

R.I.P. The Fallen Blogs

I follow exactly 50 blogs. I have a rule that I can follow only 50 and if I find a new one I have to delete one from my reading list. Of those 50 blogs, only about 6 are still active. I have a fascination with following dead blogs. Each one is a sliver of history; a beautiful graveyard of thoughts. A dead blog is a painting that is representative of what the author was like at the time. I follow these blogs so that I can fall in love with the thoughts of the dead. It serves as a reminder that wherever we are at now is not where we shall remain. Life changes. People change. And these remaining slices of their thoughts and life have become quite endeared to me, like a note from an old friend who is no longer around. I encourage you fellow wanderers to browse these thought-graveyards, and maybe even revisit your own if you have any. Cemeteries not only remind us of where we have been, but where we are going. If you know of any dead blogs I should follow, let me know in the comments. I would love to make an addition to my reading list.

Long live the Prince

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