June 30, 2019

Fading Shades of Grey (PART 2)

(Read part one first, little macaron. https://longlivetheprince.blogspot.com/2019/06/fading-shades-of-grey-part-1.html)

Your King apologizes sincerely for the delay of this post. (I had to dive deeper than I first anticipated.) In part one we went over the story of Pneumonia White. In this continuation we will be performing a full synopsis of the mysteries in her blog. It took a very long time to piece together a coherent timeline, but hopefully we can finally put the last nail in this proverbial coffin. Spoiler alert: we solved the final puzzle. Enjoy.


As I mentioned in part one of this adventure, our mysterious baroness Pneumonia White began as the most infamous figure of the debutante circle: Miriam Konig (primarily called 'Miri'). Like most of the debutantes, Miri began blogging in September of 2009 with a blog called 'California Noir'. In 2011, she changed into a character called 'Anya' with the pen-name of 'Pneumonia White', likely in reaction to her close friend being called 'Pneumonia Black'. From there she began building the most complex narrative on Blogger.


When I discovered the original identity of Pneumonia White, I was forced to ask myself a question that many have pondered in reaction to both her and the other debutantes: "What is real?"

The reason this must be asked is because these bloggers seem to use a mélange of truth and fiction in their writing with very little delineation between the two. This begs the question: "Who is real? Pneumonia White or Miri? Or both? Or neither?" While I was unable to decipher which character (if either) is real, I thought it sensible to contrast the two characters to see how great the discrepancies are.

1. Miri is from Germany, while Anya is from Russia
2. Though both refer to their grandmas the same way, Miri spells it "grannie" while Anya spells it "granny"
3. Miri alluded to her mum being a psychologist, and Anya said her mum makes costumes for movies
4. Miri lived at her Grannie's old place in Silverlake, while Anya lived in her late-granny's mansion in Bel Air
5. Miri had been in LA at least since 2009, but Anya claimed to have arrived in LA on July 8'th 2011 for the first time in nearly five years.

Comparing these two characters is complicated but for the sake of creating a timeline of events, I decided to treat the story as if both character's stories are true. It is with that premise that I can present to you the next chapter.


(I apologize in advance for this convoluted timeline. I included as many noteworthy events as I could find with little rhyme or reason as to what made the cut. At this point, it seems like everything could be important.) Here is the timeline as best I could decipher based on both Miri and Anya's stories:

{Miri (Anya/Pneumonia White) is born in Siberi, Karelia in Russia (1991)
{Miri and her family travel the world (because her mother makes costumes for movies) and spend a lot of time in Berlin, Germany
{Miri's family decides to cease travelling and move into granny's* [*likely her father's mother] old mansion in Silverlake (2000)
{White's brother Viktor drowns (2001) [White is 10]
{White's father dies (2001-2002) [White is 10]
{White meets her first love , Evan (2003) [White is 13]
{Miri begins writing California Noir (September 2009) [White is 19]
{Miri creates a Facebook page for California Noir (December 2009)
{Miri moves in with Belle Armed (February 2011)
{Pneumonia Black begins her blog (February 2011)
{Miri transitions California Noir into Pneumonia White (March 8'th 2011)
{Miri scraps the California Noir posts, rebrands Noir as a new blog: 'Holliday'.
{Pneumonia White begins posting while sharing a joint Blogger profile with Pneumonia Black (June 2011)
{Pneumonia Black stops posting (July 2011)
{Pneumonia White deletes all (two) June posts (July 2011)
{Pneumonia White begins posting and marks the beginning of her character's story (July 5'th 2011)
{White moves in to granny's old mansion in Bel Air, which she believes she inherited (July 9'th 2011)
{White references California Noir by leading with the phrase 'Woke up at 11', a nod to California Noir's banner text (July 11'th 2011)
{A boy named Joel is the first to publically drop White's name: 'Anya' (July 12'th 2011)
{Black moves in with White (July 13'th 2011)
{Black leaves temporarily to visit her family. White thinks she's hiding something (July 21'st 2011)
{Black and White find the mysterious (and likely metaphorical) golden key (July 28'th 2011)
{Black disappears, claiming to have left for a "walkabout" (August 2'nd 2011)
{White begins to gain attention and has been requested for interviews by various media outlets (August 4'th 2011)
{White changes the blog's banner (August 10'th 2011)
{White leaves and posts a goodbye message stating that she cannot talk about granny's funeral for legal reasons (September 22'nd 2011)
{White resurrects PneumoniaWhite.com and publishes a post exactly three years after leaving (September 22'nd 2014)
{White deletes PneumoniaWhite.com again, along with all three posts from 2014. (Somewhere between January and May 2015)



I was led down several paths that my grandfather would refer to as, "frivolous pursuits for untamed water-fowl" (i.e. wild goose-chases). It took me many moons to separate truth from fiction, so here are some conclusions that proved inaccurate.

{"Miri is not Pneumonia White, but instead Pneumonia Black." The only visuals I have of Miri from the pre-Pneumonia days show her as being a brunette, much like Pneumonia Black, opposed to being a blonde like Pneumonia White. However, it is quite easy to dye one's hair, and all the timeline evidence from Facebook points to Miri being Pneumonia White.

{"Cassidy Cole (the Silverlake Serpent / Hollywood Sign Girl) is Pneumonia White." In Miri's last post on California Noir, she posts a picture of Cassidy and tells of her crush on her. (Thus making the dynamic similar to White & Black's.) Also, Cassidy is a blonde, which fits in to the previously stated theory. Moreover, Cassidy commented on a post and linked Pneumonia White [PW] as if it was her own blog. (Linking your blog at the end of your comments was customary in those days.) However, this is where the trail of evidence linking Cassidy and White end. Also, under her Hollywood Sign Girl [HSG] alias, she commented this on one of White's posts:

[HSG]: "Anya, I have a small house party down venice with some friends tomorrow. Tried to text you on facebook, but check it and please get back to me, because all my friends are talking about you, and I am the most anxient to meet you! (I can promise you - you'll not be disappointed :) lots of kisses from your mortal friends ***"

[PW]: "hsg, i'll try to make it!!! i wanna meet you too. you seem so nice. XXX"

Unless they were clever enough to go that far to put off suspicion, (which I doubt), it directly implies that they had never met in person yet and were simply internet interests.

hollywood sign girl

{"Belle is one of the Pneumonias." Belle Armed was living with Miri around the time California Noir ended, so I considered the possibility that perhaps she helped contribute to the narrative as Miri's other half. However, Belle looks far too different from either of them and there is no evidence to support the claim.


There were many difficulties in solving the final cipher. I had assumed that the solution would be something that was clued at in the narrative. Perhaps the password was 'Barbosa', a password that they created for their exclusive 7-Eleven. However, that did not pan out.

In some of the ciphers that were given public solutions, the passwords were things like 'golden' and 'evan', both references to thematic elements in the story. (One was the color of Black's secret key, the other was White's first love.) I honed in on the key aspect since Black's key was alluded to in many posts, especially near the end of the story. It started as a key that White stole, which she promptly gave to Black. The key was also supposed to be of great importance to granny's funeral. And White did not realize what it unlocked before having an epiphany in front of the Hollywood sign. However, nothing related to it appeared to be the password.

Also in association with the golden key, White referenced a Grey bird. White had a repeating theme of birds in the various imagery and poetry she used throughout the blog. She showed pictures of Quail, she mentions Pigeons, and she used images of Black Swans as an icon. Unfortunately, none of these were the solution to the final puzzle.

After trying for weeks to crack the cipher using the blog as my guide and finding nothing, I began trying to crack it using the source code. I managed to figure out that, whatever the message is, it was likely a very concise message. My progress ended there, and I turned to my last hope; a large kingdom far away called Reddit.

I had heard stories of the wizards and scholars that resided on Reddit, so I packed my bags and made haste to the large city and it's simple, yet humungous towers. Eventually I found the help of a very kind warlock who knew how to write mystical programs that would crack enciphered text. His name was u/jtm297 and he was a mind ahead of his time. After pleading my case in the Court of Mystics for roughly a week, he came to my aid and said simply this: "Solved. The password is Tomas. Have a nice day."

Tomas. And with that, the final mystery was solved. I finally input the long-awaited password and held my breath as the message was revealed. The message read simply, "I don't wanna sleep!". Needless to say, I found this quite anticlimactic. But it did leave me with some new questions. "Who was Tomas?" "Is he a character we are already acquainted with (like Mr. Mysterious)?" "If not, what is his relevance to the story? And why was he never mentioned?"

It seems like Anya still got the last laugh. We were the first to solve her cipher in 8 years and we are still left with more questions than we started with.


If you have stuck through and read the entire post, then I'm sure we are wondering the same thing right now: "What does it all mean?" To give you the short answer, I'm not exactly sure. To give you the longer answer, it could mean many things.

Anya's tale tells of the secret undergrounds that inhabit our world. She speaks frequently of the 'Secret Hollywood' and how it killed her brother & father and ended her blog. For instance, her blog's first banner read:

"I was 10 when he died. Now, a Bel Air orphan, with a hundred pairs of shoes I have only one desire left: To tell U of the secret Hollywood that killed them."

In response to people asking about her identity, she had this to say:
"Who AM I. Who IS Pneumonia White? People seem obsessed 2 know. Following me, Hacking my mail, lurking in the shade outside my morning cafés. But I'm sorry stalkers. As much as I hate the cage wherein I live, I won't let U liberate me.
U c the Hollywood I live in is different. It's not the famous, opulent, dramatic Hollywood of the stars, but the very opposite.
I live in the SECRET Hollowood. The one hidden deep inside the lush gated communities of Old Bel Air. The damp streets where you won't find any residential sidewalks. It is a Hollywood where a year at Marymouth High means more than any Academy Award. It's the Hollywood that don't shout, but whisper. But whose whispers gets movies gets done, worlds built, and others destroyed.
And if the price 2 stay here is secrecy, I pay the price and hide myself in veils of words, and this is all U get:

'My name is Pneumonia White and I've been blogging since I arrived here in LA the 6th of july 2011. I live (almost) alone in the house my grandmother left me in Bel Air. My goal is to fill the hole in my heart with so many Alaïa dresses and Alexander Wang shoes that I never will cry again. If I could have one superhero power it would b being able to never wake up again'"

And in her 'final' post where she closes the book on her story, she writes this:
"I love u
Loved ones. I think u have seen it coming. By the time your read this my life on this blog will be over.
There are many reasons. Most of them just hinted in the vague threats by my lawyer. I tell u, there are MANY things my part of Hollowood don't want the world to know. (And there's no shortage of lawyers here either). And as much as I don't WANT 2 care about those things, I do. I'm spoiled and afraid, and ever since
Black disappeared, I'm also lonely.
Also, this blog has grown to big for me. Every DAY I get mails from around the world telling me what a rich bitch I am. And  even WORSE: Everyday I get mails telling me how beautiful I am. How people look up to me. But I am NO Role Model. I'm an anxiety ridden wreck that runs on fantasies and self-loathing.
(There are also other things, weird dreams that started to come alive with this blog, and that I hope will die with it)
All this aside, YOU have changed my life for the better, and THAT I can never repay. If I EVER get my life back, I'll b back, right here, with U, the only place I felt safe, in a long time.
Love and blessings

Pneumonia "

She never revealed the secrets of the Hollywood underground. And she never gave any clues about the proceedings of granny's funeral. She left us one final cipher, but what she left us with was not enough to infer the details that she was forced to expunge. We can only speculate as to what went on beyond the veil of the Pneumonia White blog; was it meant as a work of fiction? Or perhaps a new form of meta-art? Or was it just the ramblings of a madwoman? None can know for sure, but I am at least honored to present to you the most interesting blog I have ever found. Thank you all for sticking by me and tolerating my talk of conspiracies and intrigue. You keep me going. Until next time.

Long live the King

June 28, 2019

Fading Shades of Grey (PART 1)

(If haven't read my posts about the debutante conspiracy, I suggest reading it for context. https://longlivetheprince.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-web-thickens-another-blogger-mystery.html)

I'm sure I've said it before, but this has been my most ambitious Blogger mystery yet. I have previously mentioned a most infamous debutante by the name of "Miri". Miri has been one of the most mysterious and elusive influencers on Blogger, and now we have found her in a new adventure that blurs the lines between reality and fiction. Except this mystery is not about Miri as we know her; it's about a brooding blonde baroness named Pneumonia White.

If you have actually heard about Pneumonia White, it would probably be no surprise. White managed to acquire a significant following back in 2011. She and her counterpart Pneumonia Black spent their time on Blogger telling of their elusive Hollywood escapades, all the while constructing a meta-narrative under the surface of their stories. Though it was often difficult to decipher what percentage of her stories were fiction, White managed to build her story through allusion to her history, defining her group of odd characters, and including enciphered text in her blogs. It took a long time to piece together her tale, but here it is as best I can interpret:

It was July of 2011 when Pneumonia White got the call from her granny's attorney. White described her grandmother as 'the queen of old Bel Air'. Unfortunately for Pneumonia White, the queen had fallen prey to the passage of time and unshackled herself from her mortal coil. Upon hearing the attorney's news of granny's death White and her family left the beaches of Venice, Italy and flew back to LA, California.

It had been five years since White had been in LA. In those days, she was simply called 'Anya'. Her mother and father settled in their old home in Silverlake while the funeral details were underway. However, Pneumonia White would not lay her head in her childhood home. Instead, her granny had left Anya her old mansion in Bel Air. As Anya gazed up at the white spanish walls hidden behind the lush greenery, she held her [deceased] brother's faithful teddy bear Aloysius tighter. Surely she would be able to survive this ordeal if she just held on tightly. Time went on and she missed her hometown in Karelia. She missed simpler days when her mom wasn't an alcoholic and her father wasn't asleep in his grave. And she missed her young brother Viktor, who never ceased to make her smile but had not seen the sun in a decade. Now all she had to remember him by was the shard of his soul that he left in his stuffed bear Aloysius. If only she could have Pneumonia Black by her side; she was indeed empty and filled with longing as her other half remained elusive.

no. 1

Night falls, and Anya heard a sound from the porch. Black was back. It had been five years since the pair had seen one another. As young teenagers they were as inseparable as they were irresponsible. Not only was Pneumonia Black finally by Anya's side, but Black went as far as to move in with her. The two were inseparable once more as they (and Aloysius) enjoyed the pleasures of LA living.

However, it would not be long before paradise fell. Aloysius had grown irritable and hostile because he had developed feelings for Pneumonia Black. Granny's lawyer postponed the date of the funeral, leaving the family members to wait with baited breath for the announcement. Anya was very vulnerable during this time, so it was especially difficult when the worst happened: Black disappeared. She left without a word and was off taking care of private business. White was devastated. It was here that the narrative began to fall apart as Anya wrote primarily about her daily struggles while the lines between her metaphors and her reality were gradually whittled away. Events were more vague, she was in a constant haze, and any meaning to be gleaned had to be interpreted more than usual.


The attorney finally returned and granny's funeral arrangements were made. Pneumonia White started her blog as a result of her grandmother's death, so the funeral seemed like the logical climax to the story. But something broke inside our dear little Anya. There were many lawyers who didn't like her blog and were threatened by her revealing glimpses into the Hollywood underground. She was silenced from saying anything about her Granny's funeral and she quit her blog shortly after. Though she had a brief resurgence in 2014 exactly three years after leaving her blog, that portion of posts was deleted and she fell back into silence. But not all was as it seemed; for Pneumonia White left us one final puzzle: An encrypted message that has remained unsolved to this day.

There is so much to understand about this tale, the previous iteration of Anya/Miri, and the final cipher. I have been working tirelessly to piece together the full narrative, but that's a story for another day. Until next time.

Long live the King

June 26, 2019

Blogger's Most Wanted

My Photo
This is a gentleman I have run across many times. He exists beyond the farthest reaches of my kingdom. He is an ever-present spirit that you see in the corner of your eye. He is the soul of a man who has seen death's gates, but is as tangibly extant as the clouds of mist that surround us. This is the man who flatlined.
Cold Cadaver and I have a bit of history together, though we have never spoken with one another. As an avid Blogger browser I have seen the incredibly far reaches of my kingdom through diving down deep rabbit holes. And though I will walk miles and miles away from my castle, I keep seeing this man. Corners of the internet that were left abandoned years ago hold him as their most recent follower. Bloggers who were several blogs removed from people in the Debutante Circle and the Cinderella Society host his face in their recent follower list. I am haunted at every turn by his visage.
What is even more shocking is the incredible amount of people that this fellow follows. (I have estimated it to be well over 300 and still rising.) I had not the patience to count the many blogs that inhabit his following list, but if you are so inclined you may do so here. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the type of content he subscribes to.
After tracking down Cadaver's official profile, I learned quite a lot about him. I learned that he likely gets his handle from the fact that he was in a catastrophic accident when he was 15 years old and stared death in its pale, gaunt face. But more importantly, I learned that this flatliner has 20-25 blogs that all appear to host the ramblings of a mad man. I mean no ill-will towards Cold Cadaver, but his writings-both in format and in content-persist in leaving me flummoxed.
Kold_Kadavr_Flatliner is a wanted man; not because he has committed a crime, but because he is indeed an enigma. If anyone knows this kind accountant from Topeka, Kansas, I would love to know what made him this way.
Long live the King

June 21, 2019

The Secret Coven (PART 2)

I really don't know what I hope to gain from making these indexes. Researching the Debutants was easier; I had narrowed the search down to 9 characters, I made a list of people who were potentially connected, and I was able to cross-reference the events they wrote about. However, the Cinderella Society has always been private about how many members they have and who is a part of it.

Since I have no actual way of knowing who is a Cinderella and who isn't, all I have to go off of is the blog genre. As you can imagine, this blogosphere went much deeper than first glance would indicate. The following index is approximately 33% of the bloggers I was able to find connected with different members, and that's not including the many bloggers who deleted their blogs. (I estimate that about half of the connected people deleted themselves.) There's no guarantee that everyone listed was part of the society, but they at least contributed to an enchanting genre of blogs and had mutual connections with the Cinderellas. At the very least, please take this as a list of beautiful blogs that you should visit. I think they are worth the trip.

http://end-of-march.blogspot.com/ (MJ, 11/08-12/11)
http://raindropsandrosepetals.blogspot.com/ (Sara, 03/09-08/11)
http://thestorytellersdiary.blogspot.com/ (Diana, 07/09-08/12)
http://pocket-diaries.blogspot.com/ (Elly B, 02/10-12/11)
http://jokelynbrown.blogspot.com/ (Brooklyn, 02/10-04/13)
http://sentimentalrubbish.blogspot.com/ (Bethany 'Melee', 03/10-02/15)
http://notwendydarling.blogspot.com/ (Ariana, 04/10-09/17)
http://magicandsecrets.blogspot.com/ ('Princess' Camille, 09/10-11/11)
http://blushofdawn.blogspot.com/ (Jade, 12/10-03/18)
http://skeletal-dreams.blogspot.com/ (Skeletaldreams, 12/10-05/12)
http://fairygodmotherstories.blogspot.com/ (A Fairy Godmother, 02/11-04/11)
http://the-last-fairy-tale.blogspot.com/ (Lili, 07/11-07/12)
http://moon-lore.blogspot.com/ (Haze, 09/11-Present)

Through all my research I was only able to find one external mention of the secret coven. Here it is:
[Dialogue between Anon and Ariana:]

Anon: Dear, I'm very confused about the C Society. Did you create it? I joined but I couldn't find you anywhere. And would you be very insulted if I unjoined? I like the idea of it, and I will stick around for a while to see what other people write, but I also don't feel like I truly belong there. Mermaidism is where I belong. Is that alright? Oh please don't be upset. Anyway, I'm definitely sticking around for now; my curiosity is burning. xxxx

Ariana: Never fear, it is not a place for writing like before. Discussion, ideas, etc.. Soon, we'll create a chat room and hold our first rendezvous. If you would not like to participate, I completely understand, dear one, some may not feel comfortable, and I won't hold it against you. xxx
I'm sorry for coming up short on this one. I realize that my recent posts haven't been up to their usual standard and that a secret society deserves more attention. Alas, I am increasingly busy with other projects at the moment so you all may have to bear with me for a while. I don't think this story is over.

Long live the King

June 18, 2019

The Secret Coven (PART 1)

As promised, I will tell you the story of my encounter with the mysterious Cinderella Society. It all started when I stumbled across a lovely little bloggess named Lumina. Lumina was a brilliant writer, artist, and singer, (who probably deserves her own post, in all fairness). Her blog was full of whimsy, fairy-tale, and a fascinating narrative, so I certainly recommend giving it a read. After reading her entire blog I fell in love with her affinity for finding the enchanted side of life.

Seeking more content of its kind, I followed all the friends of hers I could find to their respective blogs. After following trails of authors who spoke in fairy tales, I pieced together the scattered shards of a Blogger community that has been dead for some time. Per my normal processes when finding ancient blogospheres, I looked for common threads that could bind this group of blogs together. In terms of content there were many underlying themes that were somewhat common among the authors. For instance, all of them shared an affinity for the fairy-tale/fantasy genre, they often dabbled in art and poetry as well as writing, they were most active around 2011, several of them were part of the EGL (Elegant-Goth & Lolita) Community, and many of them deleted their blogs. I found many common traits among them, but it felt like there was a unifying piece missing. That's when I found it: The Cinderella Society.

This elusive group identified as a 'society of feminine magic-hunters and occultists.' I was shocked to find that a secret coven of mystics had existed under my very nose! It's rare that a king is unaware of a powerful group, let alone a magic society in his own kingdom. Being resolved to solve every mystery in my kingdom, I dove deeper down the proverbial rabbit hole. Luckily, the Cinderellas were kind enough to have a page explaining their nature and purpose.
"In simpler terms, the Cinderella Society is a selective esoteric discussion group prone to whimsy. We like to discuss everything from Fernando Pessoa and Jungian psychology to the history behind the Harry Potter books. We are also a research-based group, contributing to an ever-growing private wikipedia documenting our findings on a variety of interesting topics, among them Rosicrucianism, Nicolas Flamel, and 19th to 20th spiritualism as a reaction to the Enlightenment Period and the Industrial Revolution. 

Since established during the summer of 2010, the Cinderella Society has waxed and waned in activity, but whether we have 30 members or five, one aspect has not changed: the inherent drive to understand the magical, foreign, and otherworldly embedded in the foundation of our nature."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This group was dedicated to understanding the supernatural, magical, and otherworldly. Near as I can tell, the group was founded by a girl named Ariana who started blogging at the young age of 13. It's an incredibly ambitious undertaking for someone so young to start a secret society, but Ariana clearly had the vision to do it.

Though I can't definitively prove which bloggers were a part of the society, I have yet another index of authors who I have cross-referenced and cataloged. I still don't know if that's the kind of content you all enjoy, but I will be posting it soon all the same. Stay tuned!

Long live the King

June 6, 2019

The Lost Princess

For those of you familiar with my handle, your mind is likely jumping to many conclusions upon reading the title of this post. I will tell you in advance that the title of the monarch I have been hunting is completely coincidental, (albeit a bit serendipitous).

It is no secret that I have reigned over Blogger for quite a while. Seeing as this platform is my home and that I tend to be a recluse, it's scarce that I get the chance to acquaint myself with other royals. Naturally, when I found evidence of a kindred spirit ruling over a kingdom on Wordpress, I was intrigued.

Originally I was investigating a secret society on Blogger called The Cinderella Society. (I will be writing about it soon.) In investigating people who were thematically connected, I kept finding links to someone called The Lost Princess. If you wanted to visit the website in question [www.thelostprincess.com] you would find naught but an error message. This was troubling to me, especially because I desperately wanted to meet another wandering monarch. But I was not going to be defeated that easily.

I pooled my resources together and scoured the archives for any remnants of her old kingdom. Apparently, I hit the jackpot. And now for your edification, I will tell you the tale of The Lost Princess:

The Lost Princess, originally known as Princess Skye, was an elegant young lady from Perth, Australia. She was born on the 7'th of October, had 'O' type blood, and lived her life as she felt a princess would. In her own words, she was a 'Peter Pan that chose to never grow up, never grow old, and to escape to her enchanted land and live as she pleased.' And for anyone doubting her royalty, she had this to say:

"I am a real Princess, I was not born to a royal title as is recognized by the few surviving monarchies today, but within my heart I hold the ideal of what it means to be a Princess. Kindness, Feminity, Compassion, Hope, Romance, Beauty, Dignity, Grace, all these things I treasure as the jewels of my own precious crown.
Smell flowers, eat cake, smile at strangers and dance to the melody of your heart.
That is all it takes to be a Princess."

Armed with this creed of royal resolve, Princess Skye began her reign on Wordpress in December of 2006 with a site called 'The Princess Portal'. In this queendom of hers, she posted many things about being a princess. She also wrote about her various interests, including baking, fairy tales, and Lolita Fashion. However, in May 2009, Skye decided to abandon the Princess Portal project and pursue something new. Enter: The Lost Princess project.

In that very month of May, the princess announced that she would be moving to a new blog called-you guessed it-'The Lost Princess'. This new blog was going to be different than the previous; it was to be a much more intimate experience. After rebranding herself as 'Princess Skylark' she led her new blog with this:

"This is something fresh and new I’m trying. New things are scary, but sometimes scary is good. I am going to try writing my own story, in little parts. What I think, what I do, what I see. Like an old scrapbook, with pictures and quotes and movie tickets pasted in. There shall be recipes and stories for rainy days. Sketches and scribbles and sewing."

This new castle that she built was absolutely beautiful. Normally when I find treasures in the royal archives I tend to hoard them away like a miser. But today, your little prince would like to share a gift with you. I have actually managed to re-create a slice of her blog just for you! You can find it HERE! Please check it out. It took a bit of work! (And please forgive the glitchy interface; that is the cost of having conflicting blog themes.)

Sadly, Skylark disappeared in April of 2012 without a trace or resignation. The blog was deleted a year later in December of 2013. Now all that remains of The Lost Princess is the archives and various references by those connected with The Cinderella Society. It's always a matter of mourning when an entire empire falls to dust and disappears into the forgotten corners of history.

Gaze Lost Princess Asleep by princess.skye Playing with Charlotte Oh so dramatic! by princess.skye The Prince and I
I hope the Lost Princess Skylark found her way home.

Long live the King