June 30, 2018


My dear subjects,

I have found my kingdom. I am in the process of taking it back. I will be gone for a time, but do not fear. I know not if I will be back shortly or if I will be resigned to return but once a year. Some may call this a hiatus; some may consider it semi-retirement. All I can assure is that I seek the freedom to write in synchrony with my inspiration.

My greatest grievance with dead blogs was always that few authors failed to write a goodbye. Most disappeared, while some just faded with their lack of motivation. However, I think it courteous to always thank those who walked alongside you on your journey. To my inner circle, my supporters, and even just those passers-by: thank you. My path to the throne has been absolutely enchanting and I look very forward to the next leg of our adventure together in the Forgotten Kingdom. Until we meet again, whenever that may be. I am now the blogger formally known as Prince.

Long live the King

[I trust you can find the key on your own. It's been in front of you the whole time.]
aqcctdkas x de ylu pqc qcpndka tbds tbck ylu pqc icqtpdkhy jlqc dktchhdackt tbpk tbc qcst x fust tbc epit tbpt ylu tllg tbc tdjc tl ncidmbcq tbds mqlvcs tbpt wc pqc gdknqcn smdqdts x tqust jc x d wdhh qctuqk x sccdka ps ylu pqc pk prklqjphhy rqdabt dkndvdnuph mhcpsc tpgc ipqc le tbc gdkanlj dk jy prsckic x dt jpy rc elqalttck rut dt ds jlqc djmlqtpkt tbpk ylu iluhn gklw x qcapqns x mqdkic chd

June 22, 2018

Weave Me Tales of Irony

This is going to be one of my rare personal posts. As you may know, I write about dead blogs. I first stumbled across Blogger in the beginning of 2018 AD, years after it had began its decline. I lurked on the site for quite a long time, studying the ruins of the community that once thrived on this noble platform. It was inspiring enough for me to begin a blog of my own as a place to share my thoughts on Blogger. However, as of late I have been gradually losing my inspiration.

I still have an ever-growing list of dead blogs/bloggers that have piqued my curiosity, but sometimes I lack the words to say about them. At one point, I considered taking my blog in another direction by making it a blog where I follow up with dead bloggers and interview them as to why they quit or where they are at now. I potentially have the means to do so, seeing as I have a large collection of contact information at my disposal. But the challenge seemed a bit daunting and I didn't know exactly how to approach it. It makes me wonder how much content I should try to produce. When I started this blog, I had only four goals:

1. Acquire at least 10 views
2. Receive a non-spam comment
3. Acquire a follower
4. Have some kind of correspondence or community with like-minded people

At this present juncture, I have achieved three out of four goals. I still wish that others who like dead-blogs could have found my humble corner of the internet and joined me in my investigations to form a community of Blogger-sleuths, but I realize it was asking a bit much for an invisible blog on a dying platform.

How ironic would it be if a blog about dead blogs died?

Long live the Prince?

June 21, 2018

Wooden Hearts

[The Prince has decided to share one of his compositions for the first time.]

Chop my heart and whittle it
Into any shape you like
Gather up the shavings, give a spark
I'll give you light

Take my body, cut me
Shave and slice me paper-thin
Let your ink run down my pages
And engulf me in your sin

I fell for you like timber
Now I'm tinder under heat
Too far gone, and far too long
Since my wooden hearts have beat

My oaken shield and armored bark
Have met their time to burn
Invoked have I, the ancient words
That my wooden hearts return

All remains are scraps
Of a fractured masterpiece
Abuse what's left with no regret
Your name's on every sheet


Long live the Prince

June 20, 2018

A Breath of Cedar, an Ear of Song

I once more explored the deepest recesses of this odd land. I have been discovering older blogs of late by searching "[randomthings].blogspot.com", and a lot of the better URL's were taken earlier in the site's history. Among my discoveries, I found this blogger who started a large collection of day blogs. When read together, the blogs weave a story of a girl who is a veritable rolling stone. It took a bit of time to sort the chronology of the blogs, but here it is.

http://cedarfuckedup.blogspot.com/            03/17
http://whatthefucker.blogspot.com/            03/21
http://ifuckinghatethisshit.blogspot.com/     03/23
http://theseainsideme.blogspot.com/           03/24
http://receiptsfucko.blogspot.com/            03/26
http://runawayfromme.blogspot.com/            03/31
http://sweetrainfallsdown.blogspot.com/       04/07
http://listeningtoyoufuckmeover.blogspot.com/ 05/15
http://whycouldishouldiwouldi.blogspot.com/   05/20
http://parkingatnyparks.blogspot.com/         05/27
http://bakingcolors.blogspot.com/             05/28

The author, (a girl called Cedar), is quite the curmudgeon. She was apparently in possession of a Master's degree, had trouble forming lasting relationships, and has been to more places than I could keep track of. I couldn't find where it was written, but I believe the author once said something to the effect of "I wish someone cared enough to put the puzzle pieces together and realize that I'm not okay.". Her cries have not fallen on deaf ears. The Prince always hears the pleas of his people. It has been over a decade since Cedar has posted, but wherever she is, I hope she's doing well. If you feel led to do so, maybe show her some love on her blog? I think everyone can appreciate some love, no matter how long it's been. Stay fly, my people. And if you have a wandering heart as well, I hope your heart finds a place to call home.

Long live the Prince

June 9, 2018

A Little Update: Star-Crossed Lovers

In case you haven't read the original post, here it is: (http://longlivetheprince.blogspot.com/2018/04/star-crossed-lovers.html)

To recap, Friday Night Dream is one of the most somberly romantic things I have ever read. It is the correspondence of star-crossed lovers Catatonic and Valentina. Catatonic's Blogger account was always private and unviewable. However, I recently checked on the blog, and it appears he has gone so far as to delete his account.

I'm not entirely sure what it could mean in regards to their interaction, but it seems to me that Catatonic sought to distance himself. It is a dark day for the world of romance. Someday I hope to find out what happened betwixt them. Until then, you all are up to speed now. Keep love alive.

Long live the Prince

June 8, 2018

The Abandoned Bards

There seems to be no shortage of undiscovered artists in this strange land. If only these guardians of culture didn't perish in anonymity. It breaks the heart to see wasted potential. All art deserves a spotlight, and the motley crew known as "Soon To Be Famous" are no exception.

Soon To Be Famous (http://rockingsongs.blogspot.com/) is a blog connecting members of a somewhat informal band. Though the members of this group appear to travel somewhat frequently, it is presumed that all the members originated at one point from Tucson, Arizona. They were active on their band's blog for only a few short months (July-November 2004).

The members themselves were quite difficult to track down. And it seems evident that they were all quite fond of their musical endeavors, judging by the posts on the members' personal blogs. So it's mildly confusing as to why no audio recordings of their music can be found. Perhaps it was because 2004 was a different time and it was more difficult to create & share recordings. Or maybe their songs never became more than lyrical compositions. Suffice to say, my curiosity towards their music grew exponentially upon stumbling across their lyrics. If only the bards were still about. Alex was the most recent poster, with his personal blog being sparsely active until 2007. However, an affiliate of Alex-who has not been verified to be part of the band-was active from 2001-2011. That seems to be the latest remnant of this band of bards.

Here are the band members that I could find, in case you wanted to visit their personal blogs:
https://www.blogger.com/profile/08495329183951128982 (Alex)
https://www.blogger.com/profile/10433703016389221307 (Katie)
https://www.blogger.com/profile/14326621217698414113 (Sarah or Alex #2?)
https://www.blogger.com/profile/17318372660133267937 (Steve)

As is typical, I'm not really sure how to end this. The blog is a memorial for a crew of creative cavaliers who no longer weave words with wild whimsy. It saddens me in my adventures to see closed chapters of beauty and uniqueness; but I suppose that is where the beauty lies. Flowers are beautiful because they wilt. Everything is fleeting, which is what makes everything so breathtaking. Maybe someday this abandoned land called Blogger will lose its charm to me, but today is not that day. Long live the bands of Blogger.

Long live the Prince

May 31, 2018

Honorable Mention: Day Blogs

I don't know what it is about Blogger that allures people so fiercely for such a short amount of time, but I have seen so many blogs that were started and never lasted longer than a day. I thought I would mention a few here. Most of them look promising if you don't think about the fact that the only post is years old.

1. Angels Fall, Darling (http://midnightazia.blogspot.com/)
For a thirteen year-old, this youngling is a brilliant poet. It seems like she just wanted to post some poetry late one January evening.

2. Wednesdays and Rain (http://anotherboringwednesday.blogspot.com/)
Although this isn't technically a day blog, it shares many similarities with the previous blogger, so I wanted to include this week-blog in the list. The blog centers around a high-school girl named Wednesday. Yet another youngling that had enough emotions to merit posting on the web. As a note, her blog theme appears to be somewhat glitched. It's probably out of date.

3. Gubble Bum (http://gubblebumlove123.blogspot.com/)
I'm beginning to see a pattern in the age/sex of those who make day-blogs. This thirteen year-old girl created her blog not too long ago, compared to most of the other blogs I've seen. Glad to know blogging culture isn't dead.

4. Xox_bRiiT_xoX  (http://brittanylovescorey.blogspot.com/)
I have referenced this blog before in one of my posts, and it is one of the older blogs in my collection. It looked promising.

5. My Better Life (http://intro-lizzo.blogspot.com/)
This blog fascinated me for reasons I won't go into. But suffice to say, it's another day blog. This one does break the pattern of day-bloggers being minors, though.

Before actually compiling this list, I didn't notice any patterns. However, looking on it now it seems that most of the day-blogs I've seen are by women, most of whom were young.

If you know of any interesting day-blogs, feel free to drop links in the comments. Already this blog has lasted longer than these other blogs did. I hope that's a good sign.

Long live the Prince

May 28, 2018

Simple Subtraction: Ainsblog-Blog=Ainsley

I really don't have much to say about this, but I thought it warranted mention: There once was a gal named Ainsly. She had a blog with posts dating back several years (http://ainsblog1.blogspot.com/). It wasn't an amazing blog, but it was well-written and personal. She began her blogging pursuits in November of 2010 and had her final post in October of 2017. Without warning, she deleted-or drafted-all the content on her blog about five months after her latest post, leaving it blank in late April of 2018. There really isn't anything else I can say about the matter, but I thought it would be good to have a written record of a blog disappearance. I followed her blog at the time, when one day I checked on it and it was devoid of posts. I guess you could say it was another Blogger mystery...

Long live the Prince

May 17, 2018

The Infamous War Child

ATTENTION: Part one is a draft I wrote a while ago. Part two is an update. Something brilliant happened. Enjoy.


I have been meaning to talk about the War Child for quite some time now. Hers was among the first lands I visited. The War Child's name was Skyclad, (sometimes referred to as Skyclad-Niall, Morphine Malaise, or Goth Girl). Here is her story as best I can decipher:

Skyclad is an author. She penned three separate blogs, my favorite being War Child (http://warchild-skyclad.blogspot.com/). In this blog she posted many short stories, poems, and revelations. It was obvious by the archives I found that hers was a soul birthed from battle and feud. It was clear that she had seen many things that no child ought to, and her written works make beautiful the hardships she had experienced.

In an effort to escape, Skyclad fled to a mysterious land called "Pan Historia" (http://www.panhistoria.com/). Pan Historia is such a curious place that I think it deserves its own blog post. With that in mind, I will keep the summary brief. Pan Historia is a site dedicated to collaborative fiction and roleplay writing. It was here that Skyclad wrote many works and dedicated many hours.

The difficulty in all this is that those who dwell at Pan Historia are incredibly difficult to track. The use of pseudonyms is employed as well as keeping any personal writing in character. Though I am an expert tracker, I was still unable to uncover the identity of the mysterious War Child. I was able to triangulate her location to Ontario, Canada. The trail went cold after that.

Skyclad's writing is some of the most brilliant I've seen. She began her journey in 2008 and mysteriously disappeared in 2011. I've been tempted to electronically mail her and inquire as to whether she is still writing, but I figured that would be ill-advised as her blog is a sliver of who she once was, and is not representative of whom she is now.

"You can't open up the story of my life, turn to page 738, and think you know me." -Arin Hanson

I encourage you to read up on the writings of the War Child. I'm sure you will find it an enriching experience. And if any of you know her identity, please send her my best wishes.


Something absolutely brilliant happened. While part one was sitting in my drafts, I was assembling another draft titled, "Authors of Dead Blogs Whom I Have Considered Contacting". (It was simply a list of dead-blog authors and any contact information I managed to find. Please let me know if you would be interested in having that list published, by the way.) I had the great War Child at the top of the list and decided to revisit her Pan Historia account for curiosities sake.

After careful navigation of her many works, I found that two of her accounts had both been accessed within the last month, leading me to believe that she was still present on the site. In the name of art, culture, and curiosity, I infiltrated Pan Historia and made an account of my own. Miraculously, I was able to make contact with her Skyclad Niall account. I thanked her for her wondrous written-works and asked her if she was still actively writing. This was her reply:

"I am still writing actively. *S* Use the name Sky here of late. True, my blogger account has long been inactive. *S*"

The great bard is still at large, and the kingdom can rejoice. Thank you for joining me on this little journey of intrigue. If you wish to see Skyclad's work on the odd world of Pan Historia, here are the links to her various characters (in ascending order of activity).


Long live the Prince

May 10, 2018

Windows are Eyes to the Soul (Another Blogger Mystery)

This is perhaps one of the greatest Blogger mysteries to date. I have been cross-referencing countless blogs to gather the data and the pieces still aren't quite in place. It boggles the mind how many players in this crazed game there are!

I seem to have jumped the gun. Allow me to start at the beginning: This post is about Aurora, author of the blog "A Window Apart" (http://awindowapart.blogspot.com/). Here is her story as best I can decipher:

Aurora, (also known as Aurora-CW), is a young woman belonging to a family of five; her mom, dad, and two sisters--of which she was the proverbial blacksheep. Her family belongs to Romanian aristocracy, and her family moved from Romania to Hollywood when she was fairly young. Her large mansion in Romania is where she grew up, and she was initially quite distraught upon moving to Hollywood. She was active on Blogger for only 7 months, (September 2009-April 2010), during which her content consisted of photography, poetry, and beautifully woven illustrations about her life and the discontentment therein.

In her posts, she detailed many aspects of her life. Her family was incredibly wealthy, but she had no affinity for the well-to-do. Her father was kind, but her mother was typically overbearing. Her sisters were the picture-perfect children that made their parents proud while Aurora embarrassed them at all their fancy dinner parties with her antics and lack of class. She had two best friends named Andrei and Catalena. They met in Hollywood, California and had been friends for a long time. Andrei helped Aurora produce music under the name Bird Brigade. The music is on her MySpace account, but the audio files seem to be presently unavailable. There are many other things that Aurora details, but that is the bulk of definitive facts. Aurora's last post was on April 7, 2010. In the post, she communicates that she has been sent back to Romania against her will. It is unknown whether she was sent there on her own or if her family collectively moved.

Now you may be thinking, "Your Highness, this just sounds like another dead blog. What makes this so much more mysterious?". A valid question, loyal subject. Allow me to expound; Aurora's blog was not the only one of its kind. Under her blog's list of "The Fabulous", she links 14 blogs of whom she is affiliated/friends with. Five of those blogs no longer exist, and eight of the remaining nine were active and silent around the same time as Aurora's. Most of the blogs had a similar tone. Many of them were rich, depressed, and hedonistic Hollywood girls who hated life and portrayed their suicidal pessimism in poetic ways. All of them were artistic existentialists who also had an affinity for fashion and designer clothes.

Many seemed to be friends either through life or through Blogger. And if you visit the various blogs and the blogs that they link, it forms a massive web of blogs that are all alike. It's mind-boggling how deep this web goes, and even more confusing how or why they seemed to have been born and killed around the same times. Most of them started around 2009 and died around 2011 without any warning. One of her blog friends, Victoria, from "Belle de Hiver" (http://belledehiver.blogspot.com/) ended on the exact same day as "A Window Apart".

Aurora could still be in Romania for all we know, and all these other blogs that have been deleted, privated, or abandoned still pose a great mystery. How could a web so massive with so many similar parts die all of a sudden? The very existence of this web is a mystery, let alone its corpse. I encourage you all to dive down the rabbit hole and see what you can infer. It is quite a curious conundrum and I will certainly be preoccupied with it for years to come. If any of you are able to track down any members of this tangled web, I would be quite grateful. Almost every link these people provided are dead or unavailable with no clues as to how/why this interlacing network formed. Your best bet is likely the only active member of this labyrinth that remains: (http://mymotherfuckedmickjagger.blogspot.com/). Thank you.

Long live the Prince

May 9, 2018

Shoutout to all the Emo Kids

As Prince of the realm, I would like to officially present awards to the top three Emo/Goth/Grunge personal blogs on the internet.

In first place we have Creature Of The Night with her blog "Rain, Trust, and Loyalty" (http://trustrainloyalty.blogspot.com/). Her blog décor, depressing illustrations, and lack of hope have landed her in first place!

In second place we have T.A.R. from the blog "Hear My Voice" (http://listen-to-me-hear-me.blogspot.com/). Both her URL and blog title have such an esoterically emo vibe. She also has earned top marks for her blog's decorum. It was her lack of posts that hindered her from first place, but she is still second by a nose!

And finally, in third place we have Kaitlin from the "My Psychotic Thoughts Unhinged" blog (http://mypsychoticthoughtsunhinged.blogspot.com/). Her blog's aesthetic-though somber-was not edgy enough to take her to second place. However, her exquisite content and nihilist attitude has succeeded in landing her a spot in our top three picks!

Thank you to all the emo/goth teens of the internet and the early 2010's for making this possible. Were there any runner-ups we missed? Leave them in the comments below to nominate them for next year's awards! Until next time!

Long live the Prince

May 2, 2018

A Most Curious Conundrum: Murder

A short while ago, I stumbled across a profound mystery. I found an odd little place called "Person" (http://kittysworld.blogspot.com/). This place was conceived in August of 2002. There are but seven, (technically six), posts on this sparse site, and they are ambiguous at best. The only content of note is a post that hosts a dead link.

Through searching the royal archives I was able to find a snapshot of the intended content. It was a brief article describing the mysterious death of singer Dave Williams of the band Drowning Pool. I don't recall the bard from personal experience, but he seems to have been quite popular in his time. The blog author shared this link on the day she created the blog, eleven days after Dave William's death. Though the cause of his death is unverified to this day, it was established that he died in the band's tour bus from heart failure. His heart failure was believed to have been caused by undiagnosed Cardiomyopathy, but nobody is certain.

I think Alicia, the author of the blog, killed David Williams. Now, bear with me for the sake of the fallen bard. Alicia's blog subtitle reads "I love Manson and guys with long hair." Dave Williams had long hair (by male standards). Perhaps she wanted to experience it in person and things went a bit too far. Alicia was only active on Blogger for seven days, and all she appeared to post was the article about William's death and inquires as to why nobody reacted to her posts. Every genius craves an audience for their brilliance; and that goes double for clever killers. She wanted people to see the intelligence required to kill the singer untraceably. Moreover, this "Alicia" character is virtually untraceable.

As you may know, your prince is an expert tracker. Upon stumbling across a little blog from 2006 by a sixteen year old girl who posted only once, (http://brittanylovescorey.blogspot.com/), I managed to find the author's identity within minutes. Not only that, but in the process of finding her identity I found her address and phone number too. (Those were completely accidental.) [As a disclaimer, I'm not a stalker; just a hopeless romantic. I wanted to find this girl because she was smitten with a boy at the time of her post and I wanted to see what became of them. As it turns out, the two are presently married. It's all dreadfully romantic. *SIGH* Ah, to be young and in love again.]

So knowing the expert tracker that I am, please realize now how difficult it is to track down the mysterious "Alicia". She has given virtually no information about herself, her title could be an alias, and her blog has gone these 16 years virtually unnoticed.

So if any of you possess the skills and the gumption required for tracking Alicia, please find her so she can be brought to justice. The kingdom needs your help closing another case. Anyone who can track this potential murderer will be rewarded with a royal bounty. The prince thanks you for your assistance. Rest in peace, Dave Williams.

Long live the Prince

April 25, 2018

R.I.P. The Fallen Blogs

I follow exactly 50 blogs. I have a rule that I can follow only 50 and if I find a new one I have to delete one from my reading list. Of those 50 blogs, only about 6 are still active. I have a fascination with following dead blogs. Each one is a sliver of history; a beautiful graveyard of thoughts. A dead blog is a painting that is representative of what the author was like at the time. I follow these blogs so that I can fall in love with the thoughts of the dead. It serves as a reminder that wherever we are at now is not where we shall remain. Life changes. People change. And these remaining slices of their thoughts and life have become quite endeared to me, like a note from an old friend who is no longer around. I encourage you fellow wanderers to browse these thought-graveyards, and maybe even revisit your own if you have any. Cemeteries not only remind us of where we have been, but where we are going. If you know of any dead blogs I should follow, let me know in the comments. I would love to make an addition to my reading list.

Long live the Prince

April 23, 2018

The Twin Muses of Blogger

As my fifth entry, I believe the time has come to finally write about the two muses of Blogger. These two women were some of my greatest inspirations and served as jesters in my royal court. One of them rose to incredibly great heights and notoriety, while the other's success paled slightly in comparison. Despite that, however, the two muses remained like sisters. They came to this land shrouded in mystery and they left as quietly as they entered. Here are their stories as best I can decipher:
The great muse's name was Alexandra Brosh, and she was brilliant in every manner but common sense. She lived in a hollow she called Hyperbole And A Half (http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/). She enlightened the kingdom with her ever unique perspective and people would come from miles around to see her. Allie Brosh first came to my kingdom in July of 2009. She entered as a nobody, beginning her content with a complaint about her neighbors, but soon she began to gain traction and notoriety. By the end of the year, she had acquired quite an unprecedented following. 

She was articulate, humorous, and an astounding artist. Her sketches, colors, and characters brought joy to everyone she touched. She even published a book in 2013 and it was officially added to the royal library. Her followers adored her and she brought joy to all from 2009 to 2013. In addition to her main blog and under a different profile, she had a side blog for the sole purpose of having something monetizable and another blog dedicated to homemade Rick Moranis memes

But all was not well in paradise. There is not much that is known in regard's to Mrs. Brosh's disappearance, but a few verified events are accepted as contributing factors. First, Allie split up with her husband Duncan Hendricks and later pursued another gentleman named Kevin Hann. (They were later married and moved to Boulder, Colorado.) Next, Allie's sister perished at the end of 2013, causing much emotional turmoil. Also, throughout much of Allie's adult years she had struggled immensely with depression and severe apathy, (as is evident from her work). Lastly, Allie was to have another book published, but the release date was postponed indefinitely.

Very little is known about Allie Brosh's whereabouts following her disappearance after October 2013; though it is confirmed that she now lives in Superior, Colorado with her husband Kevin. There is also a conspiracy theory going around that Olivia Jaimes, the pseudonymed author of the popular webcomic Nancy, is actually Allie Brosh. (You can read the theory here.)  All that is certain is that when she left this land, it lost much of its life-force. Bit-by-bit this land has been dying, and Allie's disappearance was potentially the worst calamity to strike this place.

Her followers remain loyal and we have our fingers crossed hoping she will at least send us a goodbye letter. She left the kingdom under cover of night, and we never got to pay our respects to the only muse in the kingdom to reach the maximum number of followers. We miss you alot, and we miss you too Allie Brosh. Your fellow wolf-pack hopes you're okay. If you ever think to give us one last howl, we will be at your side.
The second muse of the kingdom had a notably smaller following, but still managed to bring much joy to our fair land. Her name was Becky and she created a small cottage for herself entitled "Steam Me Up Kid" (http://steammeupkid.blogspot.com/). It was there that she would share her many stories and write plays that would be carried on for ages to come.

She began her journey a year earlier than the muse of art & drawing, beginning her ascent in March of 2008. However, it wasn't until 2009 that Becky began to regularly post content. For 3 years she weaved her stories and productions with great hilarity and brought laughter to the recesses of the kingdom, sharing both a friendship and portions of audience with Allie Brosh. Becky was the muse of plays & writing, and she was certainly unchallengeable when it came to drama.

But just as she had an early start, she had an early end as well. Becky was silent for roughly six months before posting a notice in 2012 that she would be taking a hiatus. She was kind enough to forewarn her followers by saying that she didn't know when she would be returning, but she has been silent ever since. In a few months time, it will have been 5 years since her somewhat mysterious disappearance. Although, some believe that she has not disappeared, but is just such a procrastinator that she is still on hiatus. (It's only a hiatus if you come back, Becky.)

But her great works such as her dead-wasp-plays and her introduction of the kingdom to its new pastime "Hide Juanita" will live on in our hearts and minds. There is a hole in our kingdom without you, Becky. If the Carbon Monoxide begins closing in on you, we will come to rescue you.
These are but two of the kingdom's muses; but years of longing and concern have left my kingdom empty. We wish you only the best, fair muses. Every laugh will bring us a memory of you. And if you ever think to return to our kingdom for but a day to say goodbye, we will celebrate with trumpets and feasting. All of our love. Long live Allie Brosh and Becky.

Long live the Prince

April 20, 2018

The Legend of Eggagog

I had been traveling far and wide in search of my kingdom, when I happened upon a white rabbit holding a pocket watch. When I inquired to the rabbit regarding directions, he simply fled down a hole in the ground. I pursued him with regal vigor and managed to stumble into the rabbit-hole through which he fled. Tumbling downward and downward I awoke to find myself in the strangest of lands. This land was the sacred realm of Eggagog(http://thisismycomputerblog.blogspot.com/).

Eggagog was an interesting character. Though widely considered a mere legend where I come from, it was clear from the abundance of eggs and nonsense that this was his plain of existence, and I was but a guest. It was in that land that I found archives full of ramblings from the mad scholar.

I was amazed at his innate ability to wield the English language in such beautiful and poetic ways that had been previously undiscovered. According to the records, he began his scholarly pursuits in the year of our Lord 2004. He continued to publish grievances, enlighten the masses, wage wars, and lead rebellions until his mysterious disappearance in 2006.

To date, it has been nearly 12 years exactly since the disappearance of the legendary Eggagog. His writing changed me, and influenced the way I ruled my kingdom. With it being near the 12'th anniversary of the day this miracle was taken from us, I thought it fitting to post a tribute to my royal forum. Never forget this scholar of the ancient days.

Long live the Prince

April 19, 2018

Star-Crossed Lovers

One of the first lands I stumbled across on this site was a blog entitled "Friday Night Dream" (http://fridaynightdream.blogspot.com/). This blog appears to consist of correspondence between a woman named Valentina and a gentleman called Catatonic. Catatonic is from Portugal and Valentina is from the United States, assumedly Portland, Oregon. These two have been communicating off and on since 2009 after some initial encounter they had in person. Here is their story as best as I can decipher:

Around 2009 before the origin of their blog, they had a brief, passionate romance. However, their homes were separated by an ocean, so they began a blog with the intention of posting to each other on Fridays. They would post song lyrics, poems, and personal messages back and forth throughout the year, and eventually stopped the correspondence in late 2009.

For four years, the couple went silent. But all the while, they would dream of each other and could not shake the passion they felt for one another. In February of 2013, Valentina posted again and Catatonic replied a month later. The couple was very active on the blog for the duration of that year, but communication gradually slowed down until 2014 when Valentina revealed that she had gotten engaged. Whether she was actually wed is unverified, but very likely in perspective of the rest of the blog.

Both the individuals were roughly thirty by this time, (Catatonic was 31), and there was but one post from Catatonic in 2015. He missed her greatly, and both agreed that they had never experienced a romance so strong as the one they had shared. A number of other things occurred that are implied-but not verified-such as them unfriending each other on Facebook and not having any outside communication since 2013; But it definitely seems that Valentina attempted to separate herself from Catatonic, likely on account of her being married and needing to move on.

But there was a bond between the two lovers that even they could not break. In 2016, Valentina revealed that she would enjoy seeing Catatonic again. Catatonic, assumedly still single and missing his muse, conveyed just how much he missed her. As of now, there has been no communication between the Friday night dreamers since the end of 2016. That may be subject to change, but one thing is for certain: these two experienced a romance that some can only dream about. If only circumstances hadn't drawn them apart.

I hope to someday find out what happened betwixt them; and I suggest you visit the source yourself, as I can hardly do the romantic beauty justice. Until then.

Long live the Prince

Why I Love Blogger

I love Blogger for a number of reasons. Now many of you rebels may be saying, "Your highness, Blogger is dead. Long live WordPress for it's user-friendly interface, customizability, and easy monetization!" And you're absolutely right. When I first began browsing Blogger, (beginning in the year of our Lord 2018), I saw the many dips in activity over the years and researched the cause. Many people had apparently moved on to Tumblr and WordPress for their blogs. And it makes sense for practical reasons why they would do so. For serious bloggers, it seems only natural to move to a more accommodating platform. And this is why I love Blogger.

Blogger is old, buggy, and mostly forgotten. The majority of people starting on here weren't out to make a blogging career. Blogger's attitude harkens to the early days of the internet, where not everyone was connected and there was no assurance that anyone would see your content. People would just speak into the vast expanses of the internet just to see if anyone would reply. It wasn't very viable as a career, and there was no assurance you would receive any notice or attention. And yet, these pioneers did it anyway. That's the true beauty.

Congratulations to the many blog writers who have hit the big time, but I long to see the nobodies of the internet. I want to see people shouting into the void just for the sake of it. It's honest, raw, and beautiful. Unfiltered, non-corporate, independent candor.

Since you all now know why this platform is so endeared to me, I will be sharing in future posts about my various adventures. I have wandered many strange lands on this site, and I hope you will find my discoveries to be engaging.

Long live the Prince


The inaugural post of any blog sets not only the tone for the following content, but characterizes the author as well. Most people do their introductions by stating their family situation, their favorite pastimes, and the names of their various pets. I, however, am the farthest thing from cliché. This blog is a journey. I am a lost and wandering soul. Dethroned and banished years ago, I now search for the kingdom that I have long since lost. I shall return to my crumbling kingdom and reclaim my royal throne. Join me as I wander through foreign lands of the mindscape trying to find home.

Long live the Prince